You Need QUALIFIED Candidates
We can help you find them faster.
When hiring technical talent it’s important to know if they can actually do the job. Phone screens or video calls get you in the ballpark of what a candidate might bring to the table, but the truth is, you need actual proof.
Lab-based technical assessments are real environments that contain the technologies needed for the actual role. The candidate must demonstrate their knowledge, skill and ability hands-on in those technologies.
Interviews have always started with some distance between recruiter and candidate, and in today’s world the entire process is often 100% remote. No matter if you are hiring for in-house staff, hybrid or fully remote, virtual assessments allow you to get the information you need from anyone, anywhere.
No more guessing which candidate has the skills. Resumes don’t always tell the full story, but a hands-on assessment does. Quickly gather objective data for your entire candidate pipeline and compare the results. Spend time with those who have proven they can do the job!
A bad hire can cost a company a minimum of 30% of the employee’s first year salary–and that’s a conservative estimate! Recruiters need to de-risk each hire. Using a real world assessment provides peace of mind that a candidate’s tech abilities are sound. (And builds trust with your hiring managers too!)
Unconscious biases in the hiring process impact judgement. This is detrimental to teams and the company. Hands-on assessment provides objective data that a company can depend on. Demonstrated ability has no bias.
“Recruiters save 8+ hours a week by replacing technical phone screens with TrueAbility assessments”
“Of 2,000 technical professionals surveyed, 89% prefer to demonstrate their skills in a hands-on environment over traditional technical screening methods like phone calls and whiteboards.”
A growing and comprehensive library of technology assessments.
Hands-on, real world assessments that provide your team with the data you need. Invite anyone, anytime, anywhere.
Invite your job candidates via email
Candidate takes the assessment
You view the stack ranking of all of your candidate’s results
Choose from flexible plans designed to meet your hiring needs. Pricing starts as low as $15 per candidate attempt.